Net Neutrality is dead, long live Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality is dead, long live Net Neutrality

It's rare for us to get political here at MegaGames, but one topic we are passionate about is Net Neutrality. We know you're probably bored of many of your favorite sites discussing the topic, but it's something that affects all of us here in the online world and especially on sites where some of the content -- such as cracks and trainers -- might not be best loved by some game developers. Sites like Megagames itself.

Although the FCC ruled yesterday to repeal Net Neutrality regulations, it's important to not lose heart and to remember that if you live in the U.S., no matter your age, you can do something to help prevent it from going through. Before it can be fully repealed, the ruling must go through the courts and the relevant houses, which means that your state representatives get to play a part.

That's where you come in.

Although for many politicians in the U.S., Net Neutrality is one of those partisan issues which sees them voting along party lines, that's not the case for all of them and even for those that do think that way, there's no reason they can't change their mind if you put the fear into them when it comes to their next election.

To that end, we at MegaGames ask you to help join the fight and contact your local representatives in the House and Senate. You can find out who they are and how to contact them here and here.

If you're feeling particularly keen, we'd also recommend sending a letter to your local papers -- especially if your representative is older than most. They read that far more than they do Facebook posts and Tweets.

Image source: DailyCaller