Namco Plan World Gaming Domination

Namco Plan World Gaming Domination

It's, more or less, common knowledge that Namco will be coming up with new Tekken and Ace Combat games as well as with a new Racing Evolution title. What is a bit more surprising however, is that the prestigious console game developer has got much more ambitious plans.

In a meeting that Namco hosted in order to announce financial details, information of a variety of new projects, currently in development, was also revealed.
The information concerned at least six new titles which, according to the meeting, will be:

- A character-driven action-adventure game.
- A fighting action game.
- A racing game, but with a different feel to Racing Evolution.
- A major RPG title for Nintendo's Gamecube.
- Namco also plan to jump on the MMORPG bandwagon with an ambitious attempt at the genre.
- A sports title which Namco promise will be in a genre other than baseball.