Namco Grabs Warhammer Rights

Namco Grabs Warhammer Rights

Global video games publisher, Namco announced that the company has signed a licensing agreement with Nottingham, UK-based Games Workshop Group PLC, to create interactive games based on the dark, medieval fantasy world of "Warhammer." The exclusive, long-term deal will allow Namco to publish multiple games for the PC and also allows for future console and handheld gaming versions.

Games Workshop created the Warhammer world more than 22 years ago, as the setting for its wildly successful tabletop fantasy wargame of the same name. Since then the game has been released in 6 editions, had dozens of supplements, and been the basis for tens of thousands of unique model soldier designs, making it one of the most well documented and detailed fantasy settings in existence. The world itself is a dark and forbidding fantasy realm, where Elves, Orcs, Dwarfs, Undead, and many other races clash constantly in mighty battles seeking domination over each other. Meanwhile, the insidious forces of Chaos strive to undermine the basic fabric of society both from within and by the direct invasion of its legions of daemons, beastmen and warped human champions.

The Warhammer community stretches across the world, supported by Games Workshop's 300+ stores, 4000+ independent retailers, and many games clubs, tournaments and events such as the annual Games Days in the UK, USA, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Australia. There is also a thriving web community based around the official website and many thousands of fan sites.