Murder them like you mean it in Dead by Daylight

Murder them like you mean it in Dead by Daylight

Asymmetrical multiplayer is once again a hotbed of development, as the next lot of game makers try and develop it into a platform that truly works as a gameplay element. This time around though, instead of monsters and hunters, it's killers and survivors, with one player taking on the role of the crazed axe murderer, while the others have to survive and perhaps even team up to combat the machete wielding psychopath that's chasing them.

The game in question is Dead by Daylight and it features a number of different killers and survivors that players can play as, but the main murderer we've been shown in recent videos, is the standard masked, slasher killer. Featuring nasty weaponry, he has the ability to string up or 'hook' up survivors in order to encourage other players to save them, setting a trap.

However there will be a number of different horror-inspired monsters, including Japanese girls, more supernatural monsters and many other movie and game inspired enemies.

Maps too will be procedurally generated, so surviving and killing will never be easy.

It's hide and seek, with blood and guts. What's not to love.