Mortal Kombat Developer Studio Has A Working PSP 2

Mortal Kombat Developer Studio Has A Working PSP 2 Mortal Kombat Developer Studio Has A Working PSP 2 Mortal Kombat Developer Studio Has A Working PSP 2

A mouthful lip slip by a developer at Warner Bros. has confirmed our suspicion that PSP 2 is being prepared secretly.

The revelation came from Mortal Kombat Executive Producer Shaun Himmerick who confirmed that his team "have a PSP2 in the house and we're looking at the engine, like what can it support."

"Always a big thing for us is the performance," he added. "We're running at 60 fps, what can we do and do we have to build all the art assets over. We're definitely looking at them. PSP2 looks like it's a pretty powerful machine. We don't have a 3DS system in house yet, but we're looking to get one, and we'll certainly look at what its power is."