Morpheus Users Vulnerable

Morpheus Users Vulnerable

Morpheus has become the most popular p2p utility out there. It is very worrying then that members of the security group 2600 informed the BBC of a security hole in the program.
According to the group, the hole could allow anyone to gain private information about the millions of Morpheus users.
Even more worrying is the lack of response from MusicCity, the programs developers, who were not available to the BBC for comment. Let's hope the reason is that they are too busy working out ways to make their software safer for its users.

Using Morpheus, 2600 members, managed to gain access to users' hard drives therefore, exposing their contents and the personal details of their owners.

"We're not sure what it is that makes some Morpheus members vulnerable to this," said one such member, who asked to remain anonymous.

"Potentially this could make every user's computer available to anyone who wants to have a look at it. All we know is that there's a major gap that's allowing certain users to become vulnerable."

This security hole is new and is not connected to a previous Morpheus security problem involving a specific port.