Monster Hunter World is coming to PC too

Monster Hunter World is coming to PC too

Along with a number of big game reveals in the past 24 hours, one big revelation for PS4 owners and fans of this particular game series, was that Monster Hunter is coming back to the PlayStation. Following more than a decade of launches on only Nintendo systems and then, mostly its portable DS and 3DS platforms, Monster Hunter is coming to the PS4 again in the form of Monster Hunter World.

More than that though, it's coming to the Xbox One and PC too, though the latter will arrive a couple months behind the others. The game is looking to shake up the classic Monster Hunter formula, while retaining much of its exciting features. The crafting and skill-based progression will remain, with weapons and armor crafted from the very monsters you slay, but the world will now be open, rather than area based. Old players will also discover new hunting mechanics, such as following footprints and markings left by beasts.

There's new stealth mechanics, a grappling hook system, a return of water-combat, a drop-in, drop-out, cross region multiplayer system, a dynamic night and day system, a new ability to set traps and use the environment to take down monsters.

And of course, there are new monsters.

But most striking of all, is that Monster Hunter World finally ditches the same, tired-looking mobile gaming engine that Capcom has been using for years and replaces it with something that's gorgeous. There are particle effects, subtle lighting options, detailed textures and models and not an aliased edge in sight.

It's glorious and coming to all platforms in early 2018.