Monster Hunter World is Capcom's biggest game ever

Monster Hunter World is Capcom's biggest game ever

It looks like the future of Monster Hunter games releasing across Western Markets has been well and truly secured, as Monster Hunter World has become Capcom's most popular ever release, selling more than 7.5 million copies. Even more impressive, that figure was reached just weeks after it launched on Xbox One and PS4 at the end of January. The PC release date isn't even until Autumn this year, which could propel the game well beyond the 10 million figure if it hasn't already by that point.

Monster Hunter has always been a popular franchise for Capcom, originally debuting back on the PS2, though it drew most of its sales from Japan and had limited releases in the West. Monster Hunter Tri did well on the Wii, but not to the extent that World has done. You can likely blame that on a slightly less accessible gameplay, weaker graphics and a console that was geared far more to casual play than the deep, tactical combat of Monster Hunter.

Still, that's certainly found its home on modern consoles, with Western and Eastern gamers alike now enjoying its new and expansive open map designs, its new monsters, improved graphics, new tactics and traps and weapons, alongside all of the typical high-paced combat.

Have you guys been playing MHW on console? Or are you waiting for it on PC?