Molyneux isn't counting Nintendo out just yet

Molyneux isn't counting Nintendo out just yet

Peter Molyneux, the man that's known for his hype as much as his work on classic titles like Dungeon Keeper, Black and White and Fable, has said that while Nintendo isn't in a great spot right now, nobody should count it out, as it has the potential to turn things around.

Speaking about the company in an interview with IGN, Molyneux said that: "The problem with Nintendo is they did a fantastic job of finding these new players with the Wii, and the Wii U kind of does that but also tries to bring in the existing gamers as well, so they may have lost their way a bit."

He also hinted that there might be another Nintendo hardware release in the future, suggesting that it would take only one big release to really turn around public opinion.

However, he did say he wasn't a massive fan of the Wii U, suggesting its Gamepad felt big and clunky, far less "sexy," than devices that Microsoft and Sony put out.

Of course one of the issues the Wii U faces, beyond marketing, is that its audience has grown up and moved on. Casual gaming isn't done on a home console anymore, it's done on smartphones. Nintendo needs to figure out how to bring some of those gamers back or at the very least net itself a strong, exclusive IP to draw in some gamers from other platforms.