Molyneux Explains How EA's "Love Abuse" Ruined Bullfrog

Molyneux Explains How EA's "Love Abuse" Ruined Bullfrog

One of the most successful game development studios of the 90's, Bullfrog Productions, has faded slowly into obscurity a few years after it was acquired by EA in 1995. Theme Park and Dungeon Keeper fans are still feeling the bitterness to this day, but the studio co-founder Peter Molyneux assures that EA had nothing but good intentions.

"EA is not an evil empire," he said. "They're a company that have done a great deal for this industry. [But] when corporates buy companies, several things change. You've got this problem where the founders of the company get a lot of money -- that changes those people. That changes the company there."

"You've got the problem of what I call 'love abuse,'" he added. "When EA bought Bullfrog, they just wanted to make it nicer. They moved us to a nice office, where we couldn't shoot each other [with BB guns] in the corridors. We had an HR department because that was a nice proper professional thing to do. And that changes the flavor of the company."