Modified Xbox 360s Banned From Xbox Live

Modified Xbox 360s Banned From Xbox Live

It has been more than a year since hackers released ax Xbox 360 DVD Drive update that allow the play of backup games and bootleg copies and up till recently, this has gone unpunished. But now the tides are turning against modders.

Since the release of Halo 3 Beta, Microsoft has been banning modified consoles from accessing Xbox Live. Currently, when a modified console tries to log in, it gets "Status Code: Z: 8015 - 190D" error.

Most hackers believe that Xbox 360's latest spring update is responsible for detecting modified consoles. They have also admitted even the latest versions of their hacks are being detected, in spite of the added "security" features. The same scenario took place with Xbox and was solved by introducing a switch to turn off modifications before going online.

"We have stated in the past that customers can only enjoy access to the Xbox LIVE community through the use of a genuine, unmodified, Xbox console and we will continue to enforce this rule to ensure the integrity of our service, the protection of our partners and the benefits of our users", said Microsoft's announcement "These users will not have their account automatically banned from LIVE, but they will no longer be able to access the service from the console they modified".