Mirror's Edge 2 trailer expected this week

Mirror's Edge 2 trailer expected this week

New information for the upcoming sequel to long-time cult favorite, Mirror's Edge, could be released this week. A tweet was released by the people working on the game that simply reads "Faith is returning. Stay alert this week #MondayMotivation." It also came along with an image of Faith's classic glove, stating next to it, "come on girl, save us all," suggesting that this time around Faith may have more to save than just her sister.

Not much is known about Mirror's Edge Catalyst, despite having been in-development for many years at this point. It's expected to be more open-world than the last game, which was almost entirely linear. However it will maintain the high-level aesthetics of the original, with updates for more modern technologies, and will continue to focus more than ever on the movement in game.

That means no guns this time around, but Faith is looking more competent in hand-to-hand combat than she has in the past.

Set for release at the end of May this year, Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a bit of an unknown. While it helped pioneer the parkour style movement so common in a number of games these days, is it part of the past, or can it be brought up to date and turned into a fun, contemporary game?