Mirror's Edge 2 to have open world progression

Mirror's Edge 2 to have open world progression

Mirror's Edge's focus on speed over combat and its unique way of traversing the world, made it a very exciting game when it was released. While several aspects of its mechanics didn't quite gel right, especially at harder difficulties, it was nonetheless a standout title - and yet it's been almost seven years since it was released and we still don't have a sequel.

Fortunately, it looks like Mirror's Edge Catalyst isn't too far away and it's now looking like it will have the open world that many people wished the original game had had. While unconfirmed, other aspects like a progression system have also been hinted at, which will see Faith getting better at her traversal skills throughout the game, making it possible for her to reach new areas of the map.

It's not clear how that progression will work, but it seems more likely to be health or skills based, rather than equipment. As EG points out, she's not going to unlock spring shoes or anything nonsensical.

Thanks to the interview above, we also know that combat is almost non-existent in the game, which is a positive note, since it was the weakest aspect of the last one. Better yet, shooting is completely out of the window, with Faith never tasked with picking up a gun at any point.

She does kick a guy out of a skyscraper though.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be available in February 2016.