Minas Ithil sets the stage for Shadow of War

Minas Ithil sets the stage for Shadow of War

Shadow of War is the sequel to hit Nemesis system vehicle, Shadow of Mordor from 2014 and it's set to arrive in August this year. It will expand on its prequel in a variety of ways, but to start off the game, to set the stage, to give people a taste of the wider world of Middle Earth, Shadow of War will begin in the city of Minas Ithril, the last human stronghold on the borders of Sauron's territory.

In a new video breakdown, Monolith Productions details how it constructed the city that over the course of the game's opening hours, will be transformed into Minis Morgul, the city that would eventually play host to Sauron's armies in Lord of the Rings and launch the main assault on Minish Tirith during the War of the Ring.

Minas Ithil is a full scale city, with different levels and various enemies attacking it at the outset of the game. While it starts off in dire straights, things only go from bad to worse and it will be up to the player to take it back over time, battling orcs and Nazghul alike within its borders.

In this video we see how Monolith built the city, how it constructed it to be perfect and then how it brought it down and tore it apart.