Microsoft's GTA IV Advertisement Budget Rivals Halo 3's

Microsoft's GTA IV Advertisement Budget Rivals Halo 3's Microsoft's GTA IV Advertisement Budget Rivals Halo 3's

Microsoft revealed today that their marketing campaign for GTA IV will rival the one they did for Halo 3.

"Our campaign is the same sort of scale as our Halo 3 campaign last year so you can expect to see and hear a lot about GTA IV on Xbox 360 over the coming weeks", said Stephen McGill, head of gaming & entertainment for Xbox UK.

"The campaign starts this week with lifestyle press advertising and hits the TV screens this weekend, running through and beyond launch and we're confident this will help drive awareness of GTA IV and Xbox 360 with a very wide audience."

"We're naturally very excited about GTA IV coming to Xbox 360, we know pre-orders are going fabulously well and we know consumers are extremely excited about all the great things the Xbox 360 version offers".

The next Grand Theft Auto title will be released on Playstation 3 too, but Microsoft's campaign will focus on the Xbox 360 GTA IV exclusive downloadable content.

"Reviews of the game are now coming in and it's getting a fantastic response, and the press are highlighting how massive the Xbox 360 exclusive downloadable content will be and how easy and great it is to play multiplayer with friends over Xbox Live," McGill explained.

GTA IV will be released for both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on April 29, 2008.