Microsoft Takes On PlayStation Network

Microsoft Takes On PlayStation Network

" We feel like if online matters to you, you're going to go with our console because we have the best offering ", said Xbox Live executive Aaron Greenberg in an interview on GameTrailers website.

In the interview, Aaron defended Microsoft's decision to charge for Xbox 360 multiplayer gaming. Xbox Live users have to pay $50 a year to be able to play online while PlayStation Network players enjoy the same privilege for free. " I don't think price is a big issue (because) almost everything we offer on Live is available for free, your friends list, messaging, [marketplace content]... When you get a good 80 per cent of the Live experience for free... We feel our multiplayer offering is good value", said Aaron.

Aaron then stated that more than half of Xbox Live users have already purchased $50 Gold Subscriptions.

According to Aaron, Xbox Live users get what they pay for in the form of hacking and cheating free online gaming, along with a consistent experience across all games. On the other hand, PlayStation Network is "not a unified service. For example, when playing Resistance: Fall of Man (on PS3) users can't invite friends straight into a game from the dashboard", said Aaron. "It's not that consistent experience - it's not built into the core platform, which for us is really important."

You can watch the whole interview (complete with more PSN bashing) by following the link in the downloads tab.