Microsoft is killing off Xbox One's 'Snap' mode

Microsoft is killing off Xbox One's 'Snap' mode

One of the 'exciting' new features that Microsoft introduced with the Xbox One was 'snap' mode, which let you watch TV side by side with the game you were playing. It was an odd feature that seemed like an effort to encourage multi-media viewing in a manner that in reality was difficult to actually do.

As it looks to improve performance in the console and kill off features that nobody was using, Microsoft has announced an end to Snap mode. Set to debut as part of the upcoming Creator's Update for the Xbox One, killing off Snap mode is said to "improve multittasking, reduce memory use and improve overall speed," of the system.

This will mean that the Xbox One's music player will be moved from the side-on Snap system into the bottom of the Guide and a new picture-in-picture system will be used to look at achievements mid-game.

Announced by Mike Ybarra on Twitter, the response from fans has been mixed. Some have said that they used the feature a lot and that it was one of the main reasons they purchased an Xbox One, while others claim that the new, faster dashboard is much improved over its predecessor and is worth losing Snap for.

How do you feel about Microsoft killing off snap mode?

Image Source: Dre/Youtube