Microsoft Investigates Xbox 360 Disc Scratching

Microsoft Investigates Xbox 360 Disc Scratching Microsoft Investigates Xbox 360 Disc Scratching

After months of players complaining from their Xbox 360 consoles scratching their DVDs, A Dutch TV show "Kassa" forced Microsoft to respond by publicly outing the problem on-air.

A rumor surfaced around December 2006 claiming that a batch of Xbox 360 consoles was shipped while missing an important part. Lack of this part apparently causes the affected drives to scratch up faster than an angry cat. Some users have claimed to be affected, but Microsoft didn't respond. Not until Kassa, the Dutch TV show conducted an on-air experiment that proved the problem's existence.

Microsoft was not happy with the TV stunt and responded: "We are not able to respond in detail on the results. It is possible that scratches on discs originate from frequent use. However, we have no indication that the results of the tests from Kassa are a large scale problem."

However, Microsoft has promised a serious inquiry into the issue and recommended that affected users contact support to deal with the issue.