Microsoft director: Wii Fans Will 'Graduate' To Xbox 360

Microsoft director: Wii Fans Will 'Graduate' To Xbox 360 Microsoft director: Wii Fans Will 'Graduate' To Xbox 360

In a recent interview, Microsoft new director of product management for Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, Aaron Greenberg, expressed his opinion that sooner or later, Wii fans are "going to want to graduate to an Xbox 360 experience".

When asked about Microsoft's new direction of bringing more casual games to Xbox 360 - which was once perceived as the hardcore gamers' console - and the feasibility of offering both casual and hardcore games on the same console, Greenberg replied as follows:

"Yeah, absolutely. I think that there's a difference in the type of customer that is buying the Wii. When you think about it, there's a difference between trying to be the number one console with nine year old gamers, and being the console that offers the most experiences from 13 to 33."

"I think for us, we don't really see the Wii as a direct competitor, we actually very much complement the Wii experience. It's obviously clear that we're going head-to-head with the PS3 in this generation. I think what Xbox will be able to do as well as the Wii is grow the market."

"In this generation we're seeing record revenues for the U.S. and globally for the business, and we're seeing more people buying and playing games than ever before, and the Wii is definitely part of that. And as they grow that pie, that benefits us too, because those customers are eventually going to want to graduate to an Xbox 360 experience."

However, later on in the same interview, Aaron said that Wii buyers are not gamers and that they buy it only for its novelty value; just like buying a karaoke machine.

"You see they're not buying games on it, right?", he said. "They're buying it, it's like something they break out when people come over, and it's maybe a fun thing, but it's almost like the same people that buy a karaoke machine, you know? They're not really buying it for games, they're just buying it as a novelty."