Microsoft Cut Off Half Of The New Xbox Experience

Microsoft Cut Off Half Of The New Xbox Experience Microsoft Cut Off Half Of The New Xbox Experience

The New Xbox Experience is slated to be a major milestone in the console's life, but it is only half of what Microsoft originally intended to offer.

"There's still a lot of stuff we want to do," said Microsoft's UK Xbox Live unit product manager Jerry Johnson. "Half the things we wanted to do [in NXE] were cut out of the service."

But don't worry; the missing half isn't lost forever. In fact, Microsoft intends to release it gradually and seamlessly. "All of a sudden we opened up the platform to say 'I don't have to wait until once or twice a year to release something onto the dashboard'," Johnson explained.

"There's a Photo Party app that will be part of the platform," he added. "The way it will be distributed is all of a sudden you'll see a slot on the dashboard and if you don't have it you click on it and it's going to download from the service onto your application part of the dashboard. Those are the type of things we're going to start doing."