MGS 4 Quality Reduced To Fit 50GB Blu-ray Disc

MGS 4 Quality Reduced To Fit 50GB Blu-ray Disc MGS 4 Quality Reduced To Fit 50GB Blu-ray Disc

In a recent interview with a Japanese gaming magazine, Hideo Kojima, the mastermind behind Metal Gear Solid series, revealed that they had to compress some of Metal Gear Solid 4 elements in order to have it fit on a single Blu-ray disc.

A dual layer Blu-ray disc holds up to 50 Gigabytes.

Kojima said that they managed to compress enough material to squeeze the game onto a single disc, but quality would have been better if he had more capacity to work with.

This may be sad news for Playstation 3 fans, but it certainly is worse for Xbox 360 owners who still hope to see the popular title ported to their console and its 4.7GB standard DVD drive.