Metroid Prime 3 First Details Revealed

Metroid Prime 3 First Details Revealed

Although we did get a glimpse of Metroid Prime 3 at this year's E3, not much else was known about the game's next-generation outing, until now.

The official Nintendo website for the franchise, recently featured an interview with Retro, creators of the Metroid Prime series of games. The details released may not qualify as earth-shattering or even trembling for that matter, but still offer a glimpse into Nintendo's future.

First the bad news for fans of the games; Retro confirmed that MP3 will mark the end of the series and added that: the plot of Prime 3 is about closure, told against the backdrop of an epic struggle... The good news however, is that Andrew Jones, the man behind the unique visual style of the game, is confirmed as working on the new game.

Phazon, that mysterious substance, will once again feature in the MP storyline. Retro also confirmed that brand new enemies will feature heavily in the new game.
Some rumors had been suggesting that Samus may be offering more than a first person view but Retro denies that even for the times ...when Samus is in a suit...

On the capabilities of the new console: The (game) 'engine' underwent drastic improvements between Metroid Prime 1 and 2, and will see even more between 2 and 3. Our engineers are a very talented and dedicated bunch, and they're constantly looking for ways to make our games run smoother with more detail.

The new Metroid Prime is being designed around the capabilities of Revolution, according to Retro. This means that it will utilize a variety of new features planned for the console of the, always innovative, Japanese gaming veterans. These features, apparently, include a Revolutionary --get it?-- new controller by Nintendo which will somehow contribute to gameplay in MP3. We plan on taking advantage of a number of new features in the Revolution, including the controller, says the studio.

Music will once again be composed by Kenji Yamamoto. We hope to take the music into some new directions for this title, and there's no doubt Mr. Yamamoto is going to relish the challenge, say retro.

Metroid Prime 3 will, most probably, be a launch title for Nintendo's next-generation Revolution console.