Metal Gear Solid 4 To Feature 90 Minute Cut Scenes:

Metal Gear Solid 4 To Feature 90 Minute Cut Scenes: Metal Gear Solid 4 To Feature 90 Minute Cut Scenes: Metal Gear Solid 4 To Feature 90 Minute Cut Scenes: Metal Gear Solid 4 To Feature 90 Minute Cut Scenes: Metal Gear Solid 4 To Feature 90 Minute Cut Scenes: Metal Gear Solid 4 To Feature 90 Minute Cut Scenes:

According to another game reviewer who played and finished the game, Sid Shuman, PSW magazine's report is "exaggerated".

"I've completed the game twice, and am the author of the forthcoming review," Shuman said. "Ninety-minute-long cinemas in MGS4 sounds like an exaggeration. Like the other MGS games, MGS4 definitely has a cinematic quality. And yes, some of the cut-scenes in the game are elaborate and occasionally lengthy. But not a one, to my recollection, even approaches 90 minutes."
"I think it's safe to say that the '90 minute cinemas' claim is a pretty big exaggeration" he concluded.

Big thanks go to MegaGames reader, Zeek, for pointing out Sid Shuman's rebuttal.

Original Story:
Metal Gear Solid series has been known for its lengthy cut scenes, but its next chapter, the anticipated Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriot, may set a new record in that aspect with cut scenes spanning up to 90 minutes.

That's an hour and a half, almost the length of a full feature movie.

The news comes from the latest issue of PSW magazine, whose editors played and finished the game.

"MGS4's story is massive. The videogame equivalent of all three Godfather movies on one disc", says PSW magazine. "As you'd expect, you'll spend a lot of time watching cut-scenes, so if you found previous games' story exposition laborious, then you'd better find yourself a nice cushion and plenty of teabags in readiness for MGS4's."

Fortunately, in Metal Gear Solid 4, cut scenes can be skipped but, according to the magazine, " you'll be missing out on some of the finely crafted examples of FMV footage anywhere in gaming."