Max Payne 2 Gets October Release

Max Payne 2 Gets October Release

Take Two have announced some surprising dates for some of their more desirable upcoming products. The PC version of Max Payne 2, probably the most eagerly awaited of the Take 2 lineup, along with PS2's Manhunt, are expected in late October 2003. The pre-holiday season release is a surprise, especially for games that are so eagerly anticipated. It is likely however, that Take 2 plan to take full advantage of the H-L 2 season which, if everything sticks to plan, will be released about the same time.

Take 2 also confirmed that Hidden & Dangerous II and the Fist Alpha mission pack for Vietcong, both for the PC, are expected on October 24th and a week later respectively.

Age Of Wonders: Shadow Magic is expected on August 26th, while PC's Chrome and Space Colony have been pencilled in for September 19th and 26th respectively.

Take 2 did not release any info on the console dates (Xbox, PS2) for Max Payne 2.