Matrix Online Slips to the Future

Matrix Online Slips to the Future Matrix Online Slips to the Future

SEGA and Warner Bros. announced that the release date of The Matrix Online, the massively multi-player online game, will be January 18, 2005. Originally slated for a November ship date, the January release will allow the co-publishers to implement plans to launch the game simultaneously in Europe.

As preorder for The Matrix Online begins next week, the program will offer participants access to an exclusive, closed beta beginning on November 18, 2004; access to the final version of the game three days before it is available to the public; and an advanced-level Hyper-Jump ability with a special effect. This will be an opportunity for members of the Matrix community to establish allegiances, join guilds and plan strategies for the full game. During the pre-order beta, players will experience full mechanics and abilities of The Matrix Online, however the game's storyline will commence with the launch in January.

The Matrix Online is a massively multiplayer online game where tens of thousands of players will be able to jack into the Matrix world to take an active role in continuing the saga of The Matrix movie trilogy. Monolith Productions is developing the game in conjunction with the Wachowski Brothers, creators of The Matrix trilogy. Gameplay in The Matrix Online will be based on intricate and exciting wire-fu combat, an extensive mission structure, social interaction, and a completely customizable skill and ability system.