Master Chief Re-Claims European Gamers

Master Chief Re-Claims European Gamers

If you thought Monday night's North American launch could not be matched in Europe, think again. In the U.K. alone Halo 2 broke all records by generating more opening-day cash than any movie or game in U.K. entertainment history. If GTA:SA did well last week, yesterday's launch all over Britain beat movies such as The Titanic and the Harry Potter trilogy, confirming that Green Fever has now spread to Europe.

If it's not hard to see why a storyline involving super marines taking on religious fanatics from another planet would do well in the U.S., it is quite a bit harder to figure out how the same game can generate a similar European response. The answer? Halo 2 is a well made, honest straight-forward shooter with an engaging storyline, it's as simple as that.

Now that most of us have a copy of the game it would be interesting to hear from people who have tried the game about their Halo 2 experience. Has it been all you expected or has the Master Chief disappointed you in any way? It would also be interesting to share your experiences of Halo 2 on XBox Live, has online play improved the game or has it confused and frustrated you at all?