Mass Effect 2 PS3 Version Suddenly Corrupts Save Files

Mass Effect 2 PS3 Version Suddenly Corrupts Save Files

A lot of PlayStation 3 gamers have reported that their Mass Effect 2 saves have been corrupted for no apparent reason.

The game's official forum is filled with complaints from PS3 gamers who sound the same complaint: the game freezes unexpectedly, forcing the player to reboot the console just to find that the save file has been corrupted and can no longer be used to continue the game. Worse yet, players report that once a save file is corrupted, all subsequent save files become corrupt as well, making it impossible to start a new game or to continue from an earlier save.

BioWare has acknowledged the problem and producer Jesse Houston has asked players affected by it to post on the game's official forum, describing where the crash occurred and how long their play session was when it occurred. BioWare will analyze the players' reports in order to identify the cause of the problem and fix it.