Mass Effect 2 Plot Unveiled

Mass Effect 2 Plot Unveiled

BioWare today revealed new plot points in the epic sci-fi fantasy Mass Effect 2.

Once again stepping into the role of the heroic Commander Shepard, gamers will command their crew on a suicide mission in space. Players will strategically select each member of their squad, all of whom have a direct impact on the direction of the story and the squad's chances for survival. Players will select from a motley cast of characters including the newly revealed 'Grunt' - a blood-hungry Krogan.

Once players have assembled their squad from amongst the galaxy's most powerful mystics, geniuses, and convicts, they must lead them on a suicide mission to discover why humans are vanishing from the galaxy. The success of the mission hinges on the squad recruited and their loyalty to the mission. Shepard's future depends on it.

"The Mass Effect trilogy is an epic saga with consequences that will carry through from chapter to chapter" said Dr. Ray Muzyka, GM and CEO BioWare, VP EA. "Building out a diverse and loyal party is one of the features that makes the Mass Effect series unique. "The characters Commander Shepard recruits are not only pivotal to the storyline but essential to the players overall success."

The new character revealed in the Mass Effect 2 squad is 'Grunt'. A violent and unpredictable Krogan fighter, Grunt has never faced true defeat. His unsurpassed physical strength makes him a strong asset to Commander Shepard's team, if he can be tamed, and if he can be trusted.

Grunt is the second party member to be revealed in the Mass Effect 2 universe following 'Thane' a deadly assassin who was first introduced in June. More details about the rest of Shepard's crew will be revealed in the coming months.

Mass Effect 2 is scheduled for release on Xbox 360 and PC in early 2010.