Marvel Universe MMO Scheduled For 2012

Marvel Universe MMO Scheduled For 2012

Marvel and MMO games fans might get disappointed to know that Marvel Universe MMO won't launch until late in 2012.

Iron Man 2 (2010), Spider-Man 4 (2011), and the new film adaptations of Captain America (also 2011) and The Avengers (2012) will all be out before Marvel Universe MMO.

"It sounds like a long way away, but it's not," said Simon Philips, Marvel's president of worldwide consumer products. "We've got to create, together with [game publisher] Gazillion, that environment that is going to be a totally immersive experience and a perpetual storytelling experience as well."

Philips also explained that they're still deciding on which characters will make appearances, and what the overall setting will be. "We're looking at lots of different scenarios...We're still working on the different variations that are potentially possible."

Philips noted that this game has nothing to do with the one Marvel was working with Microsoft on a few years ago. "Every day, every week, and every month, there is a new element of technology that comes about," he explained. "So whatever plans we had for an MMO two years ago have now evolved to embrace that new technology."