Man Dies After 40 Hour Diablo III Marathon

Diablo III Death

Diablo III has made a lot of headlines since its release, some for its stellar gameplay, many for its game breaking bugs and irritating DRM and now the death of a Taiwanese teen.

The 18 year old, known only by his surname "Chang," purportedly booked himself a room in a internet cafe and didn't come out for 40 hours. Apparently not eating the whole time he was in there, he was eventually discovered slumped over the desk by an employee. He was woken up, but when he stood to leave, took a few steps and collapsed. Despite being rushed to hospital, he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

An autopsy has yet to take place, but early suggestions on the cause of death include heart complications from remaining still for so long.

In response to the death, Blizzard released a statement saying that the company was saddened by the death, but that it recommended the needs of real life come before all forms of entertainment, including the games it puts out.

This man isn't during long gaming sessions. Last year a 30 year old Chinese gamer stayed up for more than three days without eating or drinking much at all. Also in 2011, 20 year old Chris Staniforth died during a marathon Xbox run.