Making Digital Download Prices Better Is On Microsoft's Agenda

Making Digital Download Prices Better Is On Microsoft's Agenda

Xbox LIVE Director of Programming, Larry Hryb, promised to make Xbox digital game prices and deals as good as boxed ones.

Larry was responding to a Reddit thread where gamers were complaining that the digital version of Titanfall cannot be pre-ordered.

Problem is, gamers who pre-order Titanfall in USA now get $10 discount. As a result, Xbox One gamers are forced between pre-ordering the boxed version of the game or waiting and buying the digital download version at full price when it launches.

"We are way aware of this and many of the concerns of the community" wrote Hryb. "We have some great stuff planned for Xbox One this year (and beyond). As soon as we can share some of the goodness, we will."

When asked about making digital downloads prices more appealing, he promised that "It is indeed on the agenda."