Major Setback to PSP Hacking

Major Setback to PSP Hacking

Instead of embracing Home Brew PSP coders, Sony decided to fight it and the usual cat and mouse /hackers and security battle commenced.

Up till now, hackers have been steadily winning the battle, thanks to Dark Alex who released custom PSP firmwares, downgraders and home brew enablers for every new firmware Sony releases. Up to firmware 3.50. But suddenly, all hacks on Dark Alex's website were removed and nothing was left except the following apology:

Bye, Scene.
I've decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene.
The reasons are various.
One of them is the time it consumes, which I'm losing from other things.
The other is related to my security. I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers.
I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.

It wouldn't be a surprise if new PSP firmware detected installed Dark Alex hacks. In fact, word on the street is that PSP firmware 3.52 will detect all Dark Alex hacks and permanently prohibit the handheld from installing any official Firmware. But this seems illogical. Preventing hacked PSPs from installing new firmwares means that they won't be able to play newer games, and thus Sony would be deliberately losing potential customers.

But if we've learned anything from Hollywood, a happy ending is always around the corner. Right now some hacker is twitching his fingers and anticipating PSP's new firmware to crack it. Would he be as good as Dark Alex?
To be Continued...