LoveChess Greek Era Released

LoveChess Greek Era Released LoveChess Greek Era Released

Do you remember Battle Chess, a famous chess program from the MS-DOS era in which two characters would have an animated battle when a player captured a piece? In LoveChess, "make love, not war" is the rule when the chess pieces meet each other.

Interstudio, a small Dutch development studio, has taken the game of chess to a world where the Greek and Trojan gods make love on the chessboard. The game features beautiful 3D scenery and state-of-the-art realistic models where players are free to roam and watch the chess pieces make love from every angle they want.

Features of Lovechess

- A beautiful 3D board and state-of-the-art realistic models in an elegant setting.
- Freedom of movement, watch the chess pieces make love from every angle you want.
- Diverse and unique animations for all movements varying from very tender to very bizarre.
- Ambient music that brings a serene sense of peace and tranquility.
- Hand painted erotic decorations.
- A chess-engine with enough challenge for both beginner and experienced players.
- Proven game play.