LittleBigPlanet Delayed To Remove Quran From Its Music

LittleBigPlanet Delayed To Remove Quran From Its Music LittleBigPlanet Delayed To Remove Quran From Its Music

LittleBigPlanet is one of the most anticipated games of the past few years and it is expected to be the game to make or break the Playstation 3, but this will have to wait as the game got delayed worldwide.

It all started by a post on the European Playstation message boards where a user called "Solid08" revealed that LittleBigPlanet's licensed soundtrack song "Tapha Niang" by Muslim artist Toumani Diabate's Symmetrical Orchestra uses voice excerpts from the Qur'an in its musical composition.

"I asked many of my friends online and offline and they heard the exact same thing that I heard easily when I played that part of the track", Solid08 wrote. "Certain Arabic hardcore gaming forums are already discussing this, so we decided to take action by emailing you before this spreads to mainstream attention."

"We Muslims consider the mixing of music and words from our Holy Quran deeply offending. We hope you would remove that track from the game immediately via an online patch, and make sure that all future shipments of the game disk do not contain it."

Sony acknowledged the Solid08's note and decided to postpone the game's release to October 27, a week after its original release date.

"During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur'an", Sony's official statement reads. "We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologise for any offence that this may have caused."