Lionsgate is developing a Borderlands movie

Lionsgate is developing a Borderlands movie

If taking down Handsome Jack left you feeling like the future of the Borderlands was set in stone, guess again, as Lionsgate has taken on the license with plans to make a movie about the universe.

"Part of our strategy in entering the game space under Peter Levin has been to source new brands with built-in audiences that will translate into great films and television shows," said Lionsgate Motion Picture Group Co-Chairs Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger (via VG247).

"The ‘Borderlands’ games don’t pull any punches, and we’ll make the movie with the same in-your-face attitude that has made the series a blockbuster mega-franchise."

The film is being produced by the father-son team of Avi and Ari Arad who have together produced some of the better video game and comic book adaptations over the past couple of decades. So while video-game movies are usually quite terrible and low budget - thanks Uwe Boll - this one has the potential to not be.

Indeed, Borderlands is a solid universe for a movie. It has the potential for some fantastical beasts, some over the top characters and a unique and interesting world. It will need a good writer though. Borderlands and its sequel were two games that really stood out for their scripts.