Limbo and Inside developer sticks with shadows for new game

Limbo and Inside developer sticks with shadows for new game

Playdead, the developer of Limbo and Inside, has released a new screengrab from its next project and though we know almost nothing about it, it's clear that the shadowy developer is sticking to its tried and tested formula with the new title.

Although there are many theories about how Limbo and Inside relate to one another - I particularly like the idea of Limbo being what the boy in Inside thinks he's doing - one theme that does unite the two is an aesthetic one. Both games rely heavily on shadow and muted color palettes to put across their creepy atmospheres, and whatever Playdead is working on next looks to do the same.

Almost no information exists about this project as of yet, but we can see there seems to be some sort of sci-fi theme. Either something is crash landing, or there is a meteorite about to make landfall Whatever is happening though, we have a shadowy figure, moving over a muted landscape. This is a Playdead project alright.