Less than 24 hours till WoW Legion drops, are you ready?

Less than 24 hours till WoW Legion drops, are you ready?

The next and one of the largest, World of Warcraft expansions, Legion, is set for release in less than 24 hours, bringing with it a whole new war to fight, a new class of Demon Hunters, a new region to explore, new quest chains and raids to take part in and plenty of new items, weapons and artefacts to augment your powerful champions with.

This expansion is the sixth in WoW's history and comes around the time that Azeroth turns 12 years old, making it one of the longer running MMOs out there. Despite that it's looking prettier than ever, with all of the new environments in the game given too extreme detail compared to some of the older regions in the world.

Even some older ones have had a touch up though, as they'll be facing demonic invasions from the Burning Legion once again, though this time the foes are in greater numbers, so it will take something quite special to push them back.

Fortunately there's plenty of new weapons for players to find and the level cap has been raised once again, so the next few weeks should see players become more powerful than ever before.

Are you ready for Legion?