Lego first person shooter CG trailer shows us just what we're missing

Lego first person shooter CG trailer shows us just what we're missing

Lego games have been huge for the past few years, so it's somewhat surprising that a first person shooter isn't something we've been given, especially given the growth of competitive Lego-like games like Block and Load. To give us an idea of what we're missing out on at least, indie filmmaker Andrew McMurry has made a mash up of several different first person games, all told from the Lego perspective.

The trailer guns the gamut of everything from Portal, to Counter Strike, to Skyrim and Bioshock, with all of the various UI's enemies, locales and more, recreated in great detail.

The Lego Big Daddy is particularly great.

A lot of fans have suggested that this video is a perfect example of why Lego needs to make a Lego FPS game and perhaps they're right. Some are calling for an Oblivion remake, while others want a kid friendly version of GTA set in a Lego world.

What universe would you like to see recreated in an FPS Lego setting?