Legend of Zelda in Far Cry 4's engine? Why not.

Legend of Zelda in Far Cry 4's engine? Why not.

Ocarina of Time is one of the most well loved games of all time. It still has a lot of visual charm to it too, despite its age, but of course if it was remade today, it would look drastically different. Which is what Youtuber DannyvoyeRomain has attempted to do with the Far Cry 4 mapping tools, building Hyrule, the Great Deku Tree and even Hyrule Castle Town.

Ok so there are still animals wandering around, villagers and ammo creates like you would see in Far Cry 4 and this doesn't look as pretty as some of the Unreal Engine 4 maps and mods that have been popping up in recent months, but it's still a valiant effort with a mapping tool that isn't really designed with this level of customisation in mind.

"I do not try to remake a simple reproduction of the game but rather to create a new Hyrule with the technical possibilities offered me the game Farcry 4 while respecting the basic spirit of Zelda," reads the video's description.

This isn't the only game recreation Mr Dannevoye has made videos of though. He's also recreated the opening level from GoldenEye on the N64 in the same mapping tool.

God damn that game had good music.