League of Legends new cinematic is very pretty


Whether you're a fan of League of Legends or not, you have to admit its developer, Riot Games, makes a damn good cinematic when it wants to. It released Twist of Fate last year to much acclaim and now it's debuted a new one, called A New Dawn.

Designed to, in Riot's words, "explore fleshed-out champion interpretations and brutal team fights in ways they’ve never been seen before," the cinematic follows in the footsteps of Ahri and Leona as they give chase after a fleeting Katarina, before they run into a few friends on both sides, giving rise to an epic team fight with plenty of fan favourites showing up.

It's a very pretty look at the world of the League, but also a somewhat brutal one, with mild gore and seemingly character death (even if it is temporary, it's very real) which seems somewhat out of character with the still rather cartoony visuals of the game itself.

If you're interested to see how the developers put together such a cinematic, there's a making of video that's worth a watch too.