League of Legends may or may not have a card game

League of Legends may or may not have a card game

If the recent news of Riot's "one for all," game mode is anything to go by, it seems clear the League of Legends developer is constantly playing with game mechanics and ideas about where to take the game next. In the past we've seen the introduction of the ARAM mode and a new map and game type in Dominion, but what about a card game?

This seems to be something that the developer worked on at some point, but it's not clear whether it's still in development, planned for the future, or was stopped dead in its tracks.

Known as Supremacy mode, we only know about it because of some intrepid hacker that took hold of Riot CEO Marc Merill's twitter account and used it to post up leaked images of a potential Supremacy login screen, card backdrops and icons that could have featured in such a game mode.

However beyond these images, we don't know much, as Merill declined to give out details on the mode when he got access to his Twitter once again. He did say however:

"Yup, someone got onto my twitter account. Yup someone shared some old screens from one of the many prototypes we've experimented with. We're always working on a variety of new ideas for League & beyond. Lots of experimentation that may never see the light of day."

He then went on to list things they'd experimented with that had seen the light of day, all but killing off hope that Supermacy would itself, be brought into the light.

It seems like the kind of thing that could work though. There would be loads of champions, abilities and items to draw from in order to create something that could be fun to play. But the setting might need to be a little different.

What do you guys think? Doable? Or no?

For a look at all the leaked images, check out ReignofGaming