League of Legends introduces Team Builder matchmaking

League of Legends introduces Team Builder matchmaking League of Legends introduces Team Builder matchmaking League of Legends introduces Team Builder matchmaking

One of the biggest problems with solo queue League of Legends, is the fact that most of the time, you don't get to play the position you want. Even if you do, chances are someone else is going to be pissed that they didn't get it - which sows disharmony in the team before a game even starts.

Riot Games' new Team Builder matchmaking system is designed to alleviate all the problems associated with that. It lets you pick a desired role and champion before joining your team, so that the system can look for other players to fill the other roles without preventing you from doing what you want.

This hasn't been introduced before because Riot was keen not to enforce a strict meta-game - despite most players doing that anyway - as it felt it would inhibit innovation. However, this system doesn't do that either, as it allows for your to speculate on some slightly off the wall strategies.

If you want to go all mid, or two junglers, or three bot, it doesn't matter: input that into the team builder and the system will match you with other people interested in trying that strategy. It might take a bit longer, but at least you know everyone would be on the same page when it comes to invading the jungle or not.

On top of all this, Riot has also improved the skillset matchmaking, tracking how many times you've played certain roles and matching you with people with similar experience. If this is your first time in the jungle, it'll match you with people who haven't played much of their position either, thereby hopefully creating a more balanced game.

At least in theory. For now the mode is a separate matchmaking queue, but if it goes well it could be introduced to all game modes in the future.

What do you guys think of this? It's one of those features I've wanted for ages so I think it's great to see it finally make an appearance.