Kojima Productions Logo Explained. It Has A Body

Kojima Productions Logo Explained. It Has A Body

Hideo Kojima's newly formed Kojima Productions studio has a very odd looking logo. To our eyes, the logo looks like a skull surrounded by a medieval knight's helmet, a Spartan helmet's Mohawk and some sci-fi circuitry.

The logo is so obscure, Hideo Kojima himself made a point of asking Twitter users to guess what it meant.

And the internet responded by attaching the logo to various bodies.

Finally, Kojima decided unravel the mystery by unveiling LUDENS, the studio's mascot whose head was used as the studio's logo.

Kojima then explained that the studio "will deliver THE NEW PLAY in THE NEW FUTURE with the cutting-edge equipment, technology, & the frontier spirit." and that the gear LUDENS wears is the "extra-vehicular activity (EVA) creative suit."