Killer Instinct looks great on the Xbox One X in 4K

Killer Instinct looks great on the Xbox One X in 4K

With the release of the Xbox One X in November, we're going to see a lot of firsts on the console. Not only will it be the first console to break the 6TFLOP barrier in terms of raw performance, but we're going to see the release of several of the first native 4K games on an Xbox platform. The first of that new breed of 4K games will be Killer Instinct, becoming the first native 4K fighter on the system.

And it's a worthy upgrade too. New comparison footage from Eurogamer's DigitalFoundry performed some testing to show what the difference is between the classic (though patched) 900P version of the game, versus its new 4K counterpart. Even if you're watching the comparison video on a monitor that needs to be downscaled to 1080P, the difference is clear. 4K offers a lot more detail for your money.

This helps differentiate Killer Instinct from some of its beat'em up counterparts on the likes of the PS4 Pro, which only delivers 1440P resolution in games like Injustice, or 1080P in Tekken 7. That said, as Eurogamer points out, the new version of Killer Instinct does only offer a resolution bump and some scaling for textures. Otherwise all visual effects remain the same, which does suggest that it could have had more of a makeover in some respects if the developers were feeling generous.

Still, the new Killer Instinct does look good and no doubt Microsoft will use it to help sell new Xbox Ones, especially since it can use it to quote big number gains over its competitors.