Kerbal Space Program 2 won't have loot boxes nor Epic exclusivity

Kerbal Space Program 2 won't have loot boxes nor Epic exclusivity

Kerbal Space Program 2 is fully under development and has been for some time at a brand new team at Star Theory. Set to be published by 2K subsidiary, Private Division, it's planned for a 2020 release with all sorts of new and exciting features and visual enhancements. But to garner some good will from fans early, the developers have posted about how they won't be using loot boxes in the game (it's not clear how such a mechanic would ever have worked in KSP anyway) and perhaps more crucially for some, it won't be an Epic Store exclusive.

In the official FAQ for the game, Star Theory makes it clear that: "Kerbal Space Program 2 will not have a purchasable in-game currency or loot boxes. A multitude of microtransactions has never been a part of Kerbal and we are not bringing it to KSP2. Our focus will be to deliver solid, impactful content our fans will love to incorporate into their game. Right now, we’re focused on a great launch!"

The game will also launch accross multiple platforms. It will come out on Steam, Xbox Marketplace, and the PlayStation store in 2020. It will come to PC first and consoles later, but whatever platform you buy on, it's set to have a starting cost of $60, so there won't be any lead in, alpha access costs for early adopters this time.

New features in the sequel will include a better tutorial and training system for new players to help them get to grips with the game; advanced technology that takes kerbals to new star systems and beyond; colonies and advanced settlement building systems so that you can create new launch sites on new planets and moons, and built in multiplayer and modding right from the start.

Color me excited.