Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is the first VR game to make it big

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is the first VR game to make it big

Virtual Reality isn't quite ready for the big time yet. It was first brought to a select few thousand backers after the DK1 Kickstarter campaign for Oculus' first generation hardware and that expanded to around 100,000 people after the DK2 was launched. However we won't really see the hardware hit the mainstream until the CV1 release next year, possibly along with the HTC Vive too.

Much like the classic chicken/egg dilemma though, there will need to be things to do on the Rift before people buy it, which is why it's great to see some games, like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, becoming hits before the hardware has even gone up for pre-order.

The game is about diffusing a bomb, but unlike other bomb defusal games, in this one, only one person plays - the rest look at pieces of paper or a PDF. The player in the game (whether they wear a VR headset or not) has to diffuse the bomb, but they have no idea how. That's where the other 'players' come in. Rooting through diffusal manuals they must find the clues given to them by the person in the VR world, giving them instructions in turn.

If they take too long or get it wrong, Boom.

It's been described by many who have tried it as an excellent party game and especially so in VR, as it takes advantage of the problematic nature of an enclosed headset - only one person can experience it at any one time.

The game is currently available on Steam and the official site for just over $13.