Just Cause 3 in 4K is beautifully destructive

Just Cause 3 in 4K is beautifully destructive

Although the Just Cause series has always impressed with how wide and accessible its open world sandbox is, it's also been a series of games that has always delivered in the visuals department, whether you go all the way back to the PS2 original, or the still-good-looking island paradise of the second.

But the third is oh so much more and to show off just how pretty it can be, the developers at Avalanche Studios have released a new section of gameplay from the upcoming Just Cause 3, running at 4K resolution with every detailed maxed out and it's glorious.

Whether it's the large open vistas showcased during the wingsuit ride or flyby of the landscape, the explosions (oh the explosions), the open road ways with stunning backdrops, or more explosions, Just Cause 3 is stepping up to become the best anarchy simulator yet released. You could argue that its predecessors still maintain that title, but the latest GTA and Saint's Row games might disagree.

To make sure you can run the game at recommended settings, make sure you have at least 8GB of RAM, a CPU from within the last couple of years and at least a GTX 750. You might need more to push it to these levels of detail, but you knew that already.