Jack Thompson Declared Sane

Jack Thompson Declared Sane

"Does Thompson suffer from a mental illness or disorder that impairs his capacity to competently practice law?
Is Thompson obsessed with the prosecution and limiting of pornography and obscenity?
Is Thompson obsessed with curtailing violent video-games that are marketed to minors?"

Those were the questions Dr. Wunderman answered in his psychiatric report about the controversial attorney, Jack Thompson.

Back in July, Jack Thompson was pressured by Florida Bar to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. Yesterday, Thompson revealed that he pre-emptively saw a psychologist at his own expense and filed the resulting 6 page psychiatric report with the U.S. District Court in Florida.

Excerpts from the report state:
"The overall impression is that of a socially committed, and religiously devout man, of Superior Intellectual Functioning, who does not suffer from any major mental illness or impairment. He is deeply committed to personal betterment and social progress which he feels involves the regulation of exposure of minors to pornography, obscenity and violence."

" Concerning the accusations that Mr. Thompson displays "obsession" with pornography, obscenity and/or violence presented to minors, Mr. Thompson does not report or display any of said obsessions. That is, his self-report, his clinical presentation and his relationships with his wife and two close personal friends reveal no evidence of fixation with pornography, obscenity and/or violence. To the extent that testing data may reveal such obsessions, there was no evidence of this theme in his ideation.
Mr. Thompson appears to be a thoughtful, prosocial and erudite man whose life is anchored, fortified and enriched by his Evangelical Christianity. I find no evidence that his faith distorts, clouds or impairs his personal or professional judgment.
While Mr. Thompson displays certain areas of personal distress and difficulty, such problem areas are well within the range from which attorneys can and do practice competently and even expertly."