Iwata Discusses Wii And DS Future Against iPhone And Rival Motion Tech

Iwata Discusses Wii And DS Future Against iPhone And Rival Motion Tech

Facing the impending threat of losing its edge when Microsoft and Sony introduce their motion-sensing tech, and already suffering from the iPhone's huge success in mobile gaming, Nintendo
president Satoru Iwata discussed Wii and Nintendo DS's future in a Japanese investor briefing.

"I cannot understand at all why some people come to think that Nintendo has lost its edge as soon as they hear such news that other companies are newly applying for motion sensing technology," he said.

"If fun and interesting software to take advantage of the technology could be created that easily, a number of other titles which are more fun than Wii Sports must have been already launched for Wii. Why in real life are not so many?"

Iwata then turned to the DS and the threat the iPhone and other mobile devices pose to it. "It is true that the current Nintendo DS business is not that heated up as it used to be some time ago, when no one could tell how far ahead Nintendo DS might be able to grow," he conceded. "On the other hand, the data also showed that Nintendo DS has not lost its footing at all. Actually, it has been even increasing its footing all around the world."

"Under such a circumstance, I do not know why some people make such a remark."

Iwata then explained that iPhone was launched on the heels of the iPod's market success, and so it was "already grown up", not like the DS that had to penetrate the market on its own merits. "However, the customers are confined to rather affluent ones who can afford to pay several thousands yen every month," he added. "Realistically, Nintendo does not try to reach out only to those who can afford to pay several thousands yen monthly."