Islamic Chant Removed From Zack and Wiki

Islamic Chant Removed From Zack and Wiki Islamic Chant Removed From Zack and Wiki Islamic Chant Removed From Zack and Wiki Islamic Chant Removed From Zack and Wiki

Strangely enough, another Capcom game has been criticized on the same day Black Looks attacked Resident Evil 5's (alleged) racism.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which describes itself as America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, issued a press release announcing that Capcom has agreed to remove the phrase Allahu akbar ("God is most Great") from their upcoming Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure which is scheduled for release on the Wii in October.

From the press release:
"CAIR contacted Capcom after receiving a complaint about the use of the phrase in Capcom's Zack & Wiki game. The Arabic phrase is one of the most frequently repeated religious statements made by Muslims and is used often in daily Islamic prayers...
In an e-mail to CAIR, a Capcom spokesperson wrote: "We have already contacted the team working on the game, and the phrase has been removed from the game and will not be heard in future videos released to the public.""

CAIR are not offended by the mere inclusion of the phrase, but rather for it being chanted while savage monkeys dance around a totem and drink soup in human skulls.

"We appreciated Capcom's willingness to address Muslim concerns and applaud the company's swift and appropriate actions", said CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin.